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Our Expertise

We are proud to say that we deliver the highest quality work at the most competitive prices you have ever seen and we deliver on time every time.

We have a highly qualified and skilled team, experience ranging from eight to twenty five years in manufacturing TV sets and exhibitions.

Manufacture and design portable mobile toilets 

Manufacturing and installing a toilet that may easily be moved around. They may be toilets that can be brought on site, such as a festival, concert or building site, to quickly provide sanitation services. Others may be toilets within mobile vehicles, such as boats or caravans.

Making of Transfer Boards 

Transfer Boards helps individual with disability to move and from the chair to an automobile, bath or bed. These transfer boards are lightweight, durable, easy-to-use and keep patient safe and secure during activities.

Manufacture and installing of Bedroom units

Manufacturing and installing a room of a house, mansion, castle, palace, hotel, dormitory, apartment, condominium, duplex or townhouse where people sleep.

Custom made furniture for Indoor and Outdoor

Custom furniture is when a designer pitches a design to a furniture manufacturer and, if accepted, the furniture manufacturer produces that design. The furniture piece is not something the manufacturer already makes. This would be a new product for the manufacturer.

Manufacture and installing of Bathroom units

Manufacturing and installing a room in the home or hotel for personal hygiene activities, generally containing a toilet, a sink and either a bathtub, a shower, or both, a set of matching units to be fitted in a bathroom, especially as sold together

Manufacture and installing of Kitchen units

Manufacturing and installing part of a room used for cooking and food preparation in a dwelling or in a commercial establishment.The main functions of a kitchen are to store, prepare and cook food.

Manufacture and installation of Palisade Fencing

Manufacturing and installing a strong and durable steel fencing solution. Cutting or bending it requires power tools in most cases and a considerable amount of effort. No fence is impossible to climb but palisade fencing makes it difficult for intruders due the sharp spikes on top.

Manufacture and installation of Television sets 

Set construction is the process undertaken by a construction manager to build full-scale scenery, as specified by a production designer or art director working in collaboration with the director of a production to create a set for a television production.

Manufacture and installation of News sets 

Set construction is the process undertaken by a construction manager to build full-scale scenery, as specified by a production designer or art director working in collaboration with the director of a production to create a set for a News production.

Manufacture of Bomas for outside fires

The mosaic style consists of small stoneware clay tiles on the outside and larger, heat resistant, refractory clay tiles on the inside. 

Starcloth/Stargauze - Sales and Hiring

A fibre optic star cloth or star curtain is most commonly used as a stage backdrop in theatres,
clubs, etc. Starcloths can transform any room or stage set providing a wow factor almost anywhere. 

Drywalling and Partitioning 

Manufacturing and installing a plasterboard or gypsum board is a panel made of gypsum plaster pressed between two thick sheets of paper. Drywalls are usually used to make interior walls and partitions

Jacuzzi Installation

Installation of a large bath with a system of underwater jets of water to massage the body.

Manufacture of Bomas for outside fires
Exhibition Stands

Manufacturing and installing a direct extension of the brand itself, which is a belief that our designers keep in mind when developing exhibition stand concepts.

Electrical Work

Electrical work is the work done on a charged particle by an electric field. The equation for 'electrical' work is equivalent to that of 'mechanical' work

Manufacture and installation of Gates

Manufacturing and installing a point of entry to a space which is enclosed by walls. Gates may prevent or control the entry or exit of individuals, or they may be merely decorative.

Steel Construction

Structural steel is durable, ductile, strong, and it can be transformed into any shape depending on the type of construction. It can be constructed in no time on the construction site. Structural steel is fire resistant.

Lighting Grids

Grids are not limited to just the hair light like many tend to believe. They can be used in a wide range of situations, such as: Manufacturing and installing a backlight to avoid flaring, a main light to only light the subject (extremely helpful outdoors or to create a black background)

Scenic Design

The creation of theatrical, as well as film or television scenery.

Car Ports

Manufacturing and installing a covered structure used to offer limited protection to vehicles, primarily cars, from rain and snow. The structure can either be free standing or attached to a wall. Unlike most structures, a carport does not have four walls, and usually has one or two.


Manufacturing and installing a mechanically controlled platform within a theatre that can be rotated in order to speed up the changing of a scene within a show.Such a stage is also commonly referred to as a turntable.

Manufacture of Bomas for outside fires

The fabrication or sculptural process that joins materials, usually metals or thermoplastics, by using high heat to melt the parts together and allowing them to cool causing fusion.


Applying a liquid or mastic material that can be applied to surfaces to colour, protect and provide texture


Applying thin plates or elements used to cover surfaces like roofs, floors, and walls.

Manufacturing and Installation of Safety Gates

Manufacturing and installing any of a range of measures used to strengthen doors against door breaching, ram-raiding and lock picking, and prevent crimes such as burglary and home invasions.

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